Saturday, February 13, 2016

What makes me feel alive?

I want to ask you that question. Awhile back I made a sort of a flow chart (looks like a scale to me haha) of the things that really mean a lot to me. You could say they're things that makes me feel alive. It could take some time to really dig deep down inside to find out what is the essence of who you are or what you want to become. There's always room to change stuff around or erase if you feel it doesn't fit you that much or you feel it's not that important later on.

So basically the first row from the bottom you'll list what makes you feel alive.
1. The first row will denote your ability to:

Heading up is the second row which asks you why you choose those qualities listed below.
2. Why?

Lastly the furthest row up will ask how will you enable the qualities to be manifested.
3. How will it be manifested?

Below is my chart that could be used as a reference... it's a bit messy, but hope you get the point

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