Friday, February 12, 2016

“Being at the right place at the right time”

“Being at the right place at the right time”

What an interesting week it has been. I guess this post would be related to my previous post called the “The Calling.” I’m not a superstitious person by nature, in fact, I kinda shy away from those kind of stuff. But as life experiences unfold itself before me, especially recent events, it got me thinking about the laws of attraction. I remember watching a movie about it, but can’t seem to remember the title of it. Anyways, from what I could remember it states that your mental state and consciousness will attract people, places, or things in general that are similar to that mental state or consciousness. So basically if you’re in positive mood you’ll attract positive things and vice versa. I guess this could be applied practically everything or at least what’s ever inside your head. I say this with still some hesitation, but for example, if you’re “actively” searching or wanting something in your life it will eventually manifest itself. I guess the keyword here is “actively” and so it just can’t be wishful thinking only, but the active pursuit of wishful thinking. I’m guessing this could be related to positive psychology, but I’m not too sure on this.

Like I’ve have said before, this is my journey in understanding various parts of my life both personally and professionally. A big part of it will be reflecting on the various people and experiences that have come up on this journey.

So going to back to this week specifically. Was there the law of attraction in play? Maybe. But I would also hope and think that a higher being has plan for all of us. He will give us the wisdom, courage and put us in situations for us to learn and grow whether we are actively pursuing it or not.

Okay about this week.  So I’ve decided to take an intro to programming class at a CC. In order to do so, I had to go into the counseling center to have a prerequisite waive since I had already taken that class at a university. My intention there was to go in and go out, but in the process my counselor and I ended discussing about how we wanted to help students, and some of my career interests have been in human and career development. One of the interesting points of the meeting was actually the collection of books she had which I had prior interest in. Some of the topics included career and self-exploration, learning and among others. It just struck me as to how strange and really cool at the time to initially not really expect much out of this event and yet from this you are shown all these topics and subjects that you’ve been curious about throughout all these years. I can’t really explain it, but only to say I was there at the right place and at the right time. Maybe somehow or someway the laws of attractions played a part. Out of all things, I was just there to get a math class waived. That’s it. Call it a calling, it’s very plausible at this point in time. Maybe to a certain point I’m just over hyping it ’shrug.’ At the very least, I know for a fact I still have some more exploration to do.

Ok the last two events. I don’t want it to be too long so I’ll try to summarize it. So at the end of the first day of my programming class, I had a casual conversation with a random classmate and as she was about to explain her excitement in this program at UCI of which she plans to transfer to I interrupted her and said, “Is it informatics?” To her own surprise she couldn’t believe that I had said that. Again, here is another topic I was interested in and that presented itself in a random classmate. I just thought it was really cool for another person to know about informatics being that it’s a new field. 

On to my last interesting encounter for the week. As an art enthusiast particularly in the field of bio-art and new media, every so often I would try to make a visit to the Beall Center for Art and Technology. It was the first place that got me really inspired and fascinated in the arts. It has still been an inspiration of mine which I hope I could incorporate that inspiration into my future work. A big thanks to David Familian and the staff that have made the Beall such a place of wonder for both the university community and the public at large. Soooo…upon my conversation with a gallery presenter about the various exhibits, I had found out about that she was a cs major. Computer technology is something I’m looking into and so that was a great opportunity to pick her brain. Though she wasn’t familiar with some of my ideas, she was very enthusiastic and helpful in what she did know.

All in all, I guess there are several points I got from this week:

       1)  Everyday can hold many new possibilities, sometimes unexpected, for learning and interacting.

        2)  Build upon those learning experiences and interactions.

       3)  Actively seek out what you have questions in…so go out and ask questions.

And I guess it never hurts to stay in tune with that “Calling” because it can somehow or someway lead to you to “Being at the right place at the right time.”


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